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Surrender to the Unknown. Follow your Desire. Play. Pleasure. Sex. That's The Orgasmic Life.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Why I Avoid Sex: A Love Letter
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Silence by Odilon Redon |
To all my lovers, from
this life and the many previous…
Dear Lover,
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I
understand it’s been difficult between us. I know you are wanting
more of me and believe me, there is nothing more I’d love than to be able to
offer you (and me!) the incredible sex you want anytime you want.
But I simply can’t.
Believe me, I try. Every time you reach for me, all I can
hear is:
“Why you can’t a be a
goddamned normal human being who fucks when she wants, cums when she wants and goes
about her merry way?”
This I lament as you watch me collapse into a puddle of
tears and snot once again—our sex
hijacked by the alien demon baby that lives in my vagina.
OK. Maybe I’m being a little overdramatic.
That could be part of the problem.
I know the answers lie wrapped up, charred up, scarred up
beneath the calcified strata of my orgasm; but as I listen closer, each layer has
its own story to tell…
If you asked me what I wanted from sex, I wouldn’t know
where to begin. My people-pleasing reflex leaves me disconnected from the
hunger in my heart.
Because really, who am I if I’m not making you happy? I
don’t even exist. Cosmo says so.
Clinging to an identity wrapped in the dogma of “good little
girls who only eat one scoop of ice cream,” I suffer in silence as I yield my
voice, again and again, until silence becomes the norm.
Lost in a barrage of choices, I abdicate my power to another
in the hopes of escaping the freedom-binding fear of making a decision.
What is sex? What is desire? How does my body work? Is it OK
to feel these things? To want so much?
Maybe porn can teach me something? I remember the magazines
hidden under the sink when I was 12. Later came fervent moans through green and
red squiggles on late night TV. Now I can’t even check my email without getting
spammed by a site promising me “lonely, horny girls who are looking just for
me.” The porn world has left me feeling incompetent in every way. I will never
be a) novel, b) a fantasy and c) ready to be fucked at the drop of a hat.
Which brings me to…
Fuck you.
Fuck you for not wanting ME, but some trumped up, dolled up,
cummed up, fucked up version of an automated sexbot.
Stop trying to prove your worth by conquering my pussy.
When did sex become finding the “10 Ways to Light Him On
Fire” or the “15 Moves That Will Turn Her Pussy Into Jizz Pudding”? (Gross)
I avoid sex because penetration is so goddammed boring. I need more. So much more. More
than I could possibly understand and yet I need you to figure it out and take
me there. To more. To the heights of my mind. Fuck my mind and we could fuck
I have discovered (to my polite, feminine chagrin) that I’m
angry. Fucking angry. At the way the erotic has been reduced to this
two-minute, frictioned frenzy factory.
But because of my confusion (see Layer One), it’s easier to
just stay angry at you for not remembering to do that thing that I asked you to
do two weeks ago (you remember the one—I shouldn’t have to remind you).
So no. I won’t fuck you. I won’t give you the satisfaction
of my pleasure.
If I give an inch, you take my pride.
You’ll see me crumble and break, my vanity at stake, as each
thrust, twang, tickle and tuck strips me of my beautiful hide and renders me
defenseless to the
And in that vulnerability I find myself deepening into…
I have a not-so-secret fear: I am afraid of being thought of
as frigid.
Ironic for a woman who spends her days writing, thinking and
exploring the edges of her sexuality.
Or not. After all, the best disguise for insecurity is to
dress it up in the robes of expertise.
But I have an even greater terror—that of not being frigid.
Who is this fierce feminine beast?
A woman so ravenous for life that she knows not how to hold
all the conflicting and socially unacceptable pieces that are her. The whore tearing through her
master’s flesh while wearing the virgin’s smile.
So grab the noose and tie it to the rafters: I would rather
be dead inside than unleash the
potency of my orgasm—I dare not face this uncaged warrior.
Avoiding sex is the same as avoiding life. It’s why I avoid going onstage. It’s why I pack my feelings
into a dark corner. It's why I starved myself for seven years. It’s why it took me three fucking months to write these
1000 words.
Sex requires that we are vulnerable. We cannot hide from
ourselves anymore and we cannot shirk our responsibility to this life in a comfortable
wash of feigned ignorance.
As I resensestize my pussy, all my receptors come online and
to feel everything, the beauty and the pain, is enough to make you want to die.
And yet, here I am again. Terrified. Of death. Of life. Of
who I am. Of never knowing who I am.
So it isn’t that the magic is gone, my love—it’s that the
potency of our combined forces is too frightening to imagine. So we hide. We
play pretend. We get tired. We fall asleep until we forget that we were even
hungry in the first place.
And I feel your resistance as much as I feel mine. In fact,
I welcome it. It gives me an excuse to stay sleepy under the covers.
But please, dear lover, for the sake of your life and mine, don’t
ever stop trying. Fight for our surrender. Know that under my creeping and
crawling and cat-cat-caterwauling there is a woman who so painfully wants to
escape—who is scratching, layer after layer, for her freedom—
And for the chance to re-remember that she is…
PS: I think we're on the right track.
If you nourished your
sexual life with all the excitements and adventures which love injects into
sensuality, you would be the most potent human being in the world. The source
of sexual power is curiosity, passion. You are watching its little flame die of
asphyxiation. Sex does not thrive on monotony. Sex must be mixed with tears,
laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all of the spices of fear,
foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing,
opium, wine. ~ Anaïs Nin
Sunday, March 15, 2015
5 (+1) Guidelines to Falling in Evolutionary Love
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Union by Android Jones |
“I believe in karma,” he said, his dark eyes resting on my
pained face. “Because I had to go through you to find her.”
Nodding my head, I calmly replied, “I believe in karma too.
Because I had to go through you to find me.”
I didn’t know it then, at the end of my first marriage, but
with that statement, I had laid the foundation for what would come to be known
as “evolutionary love.”
My life didn’t look very “evolved” at that moment. I was
homeless with all my possessions stored in the basement of a Brooklyn church. I
was in my seventh year in my battle with anorexia, which reflected my own starving
eroticism. And I could barely get
through teaching an hour of yoga without bursting into a river of never-ending
I didn’t have language for it at the time, but as I sat in
my room for hours begging God (or Spirit or nature or just my own damned will)
to help me survive the shame, I knew something profoundly wise and beautiful
was rising from the ashes of my agony—an agony that felt like death.
Because it was death. As frightening as it may sound, death
is at the heart of evolutionary love because that’s what it means to evolve. We must muster the willingness
to brave the fire of constant change so that new life can emerge.
In this sense, every relationship is an evolutionary one
because it catapults us forward to the next leg of our soul’s journey. But when
we begin to consciously work with this evolutionary dynamic, relationship
becomes a sandbox for play and wonder, rather than something to which we
unconsciously grasp out of fear of facing our inevitable aloneness.
So how does evolutionary love show up practically in our
daily lives? If you asked that question of a thousand couples or multiples,
you’d get 2,000+ different answers. However, in my exploration of love,
partnerships and relating, as well as my personal experience with two
marriages, I have stumbled upon some universal guidelines that may serve you on
your path to evolutionary love.
1: It starts with
Ask yourself the question, “Who am I?” Go deeper and ask, "What do I want?” Inquire even further and ask, “What values are important to
me?” The more you get to know yourself, the better equipped you will be when it
comes to evolutionary love. Far too often we throw ourselves at the first cute,
semi-clean person that comes across our path, donning various masks in order to
shape ourselves into the person we think
our lovers want us to be. Or we cling to people, attempting to fill the void of
our perceived unlovability. When we lose our personal center, we are incapable
of showing up as our raw, beautiful selves in the relationship. But when you have done the work to
know who you are and what you stand for, you are more likely to attract others
who support your dreams, nurture your growth and honor the evolutionary power of love.
2: Throw away the
We’ve all seen the movies and read the magazine headlines
that reinforce the heteronormative, nuclear family: Boy meets girl, boy marries
girl by age 25, girl pops out two kids by age 30, boy and girl and kids live in
a suburban house for 20 years, boy (and sometimes girl) retires and lives off
pension until boy and girl die. The end. But evolutionary love is not linear
and certainly isn’t beholden to any predetermined script. Evolutionary love
demands that we continue to explore our personal edges in service to growth, not
only for ourselves, but also for our community. We may fall in love with
someone whose gender identity or expression contradicts what society deems as
“acceptable.” We may fall in love with multiple people. We may choose to live
in a community home with many constellations of people. We may choose to live
in separate houses or even separate cities from our partners. We may decide
that marriage, partnership and/or having kids is not in alignment with our
personal desires. Evolutionary love requires courage and may seem subversive to
many. But when we honor our soul’s true path, we are creating a world where
multiple expressions of love can grow, flourish and find acceptance. Thus, we inspire others to step out of the shadows of their own fear and claim the love that is
their birthright.
3: Be committed
In the story of partnership, 1+1 does not equal 2. It equals
3, with the potential for infinity. What that means is, in the case of one
couple, there are 3 key players: partner #1, partner #2 and the relationship
between the two. Add multiple partners to the mix and the web of relating could
conceivably go on indefinitely, though most people have a practicality
threshold keeping that number relatively low. In the case of evolutionary love, all partners must be
committed to the relationship that wants
to be created. This act of humility, surrender and responsibility sets the
stage for a level of relating that goes beyond blame and creates space for all
desires to arise and be seen. Yes, of course we must acknowledge individual
personalities; however we must also recognize that neither person alone can
create the epic magic that comes when one’s power alchemizes with his/her
partner’s. As a personal example, I was recently angry with my husband—so much
so that I had to leave the house and cry myself empty for two hours. At the end
of feeling all that hurt, I asked myself the question, “Does the relationship
last another day?” The answer was simply “Yes.” With my trust firmly rooted in
the container of the relationship, coupled with the knowledge that my husband upheld
the same value of commitment, I faced him with the truth of my feelings,
sharing them in a way that contributed to the growth of our partnership.
4: Let go when the
time comes
This guideline hearkens back to the previous statement that
death is at the heart of evolutionary love. As difficult as that may be to
integrate, think of all the relationships that ended poorly or were filled with
constant strife and unnecessary drama. Much of the time, the problem was that
the relationship did not evolve with the partners. Because we’ve been taught
that a “successful” relationship is one where the partners stay together until
one of them dies, people are slowly withering away in homeostatic relating,
rather than braving the winds of change. Change doesn’t necessarily mean
divorce or break-ups, but it does mean cultivating the willingness to consistently review our
ever-evolving needs, desires and circumstances and dropping what is no longer
serving the relationship. That may seem scary or difficult, like we are
traveling without a map, but it’s also an exciting adventure and creates a
relationship where every touch, kiss and caress is fresh and alive. In a recent article, Will Smith recently spoke about the multiple “deaths” of his marriage
and the creative ways he and his wife evolved the relationship.
5: Champion the
highest vision for your partner(s) and for your community
Being a champion for your partner(s) seems like a no-brainer
in any relationship. Of course you want your partner to succeed in his or her
dreams. But we often don’t act that way. Unspoken jealousies, fears and
resentments creep into the relationship and we end up tearing down ourselves or
our partners. This is where “starting with you” is crucial, because if you are sabotaging
yourself, you often have the self-awareness to catch it and if someone is sabotaging
you, you don’t stand for that crap. In all relating, your partner(s) act as a
mirror, reflecting both the light and the shadow within. Evolutionary love
recognizes this dynamic and consciously uses it for deep growth and
transformation. Our relationships become spiritual paths, with our partners as our
wisest teachers. Those practicing this model of relating often recognize that
they don’t live in an isolated bubble, but are part of a vast network of
people. They understand that through their love, they have the opportunity to
inspire and uplift all within the community.
+1: Nurture your sex
I don’t call this +1 because it’s optional. I call it +1
because it is KEY to cultivating an evolutionary relationship. Most people say
that the first thing to go in a long-term relationship is sex. It’s not
because it isn’t important. It’s because it’s VERY important. We avoid sex
because it’s one of the most highly-charged places in a relationship.
Everything comes to the surface in our sexual lives, so when the resentments
start to build, it’s easy to simply fall into the comfort of avoidance rather
than to sit in the fire of transformation. DO NOT DO THIS. Keep coming back to
sex. Keep learning from the orgasm that arises between you two (or three or
more). Allow yourself to acknowledge all the places where you have been hiding
and lying to your partner. And clear it. This keeps the wheels of the
relationship greased and running smoothly, for if we can learn to communicate
with clarity and compassion in sex, we can most likely do it anywhere.
The list above is by no means complete, definitive or even
“right.” As I said earlier, evolutionary love has an infinite number of
expressions. Ultimately, it’s what you
make of it. Your desire is your guide and your imagination is the map.
I’ve had the great honor of witnessing several members of my
community as they practice evolutionary love and teach us through their
experience. My dear friend, Julia Maryanska, is currently raising funds for her
film, Union: A Documentary About the Art
of Love. The film follows 6 of these couples as they share their struggles,
triumphs and unconventional wisdom on the path to evolutionary love. Interwoven
within the stories are expressions of the couples’ love as told by the music of
electronic artist, Nimitae, and the visionary art of Android Jones.
Click here to learn more and support this fantastic project---> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/union-a-documentary-about-the-art-of-love
UNION: A documentary about the Art of Love (Trailer) from Julia Maryanska on Vimeo.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
It's Time to Get Personal...
We get real. We get raw. We get personal. We dive WAY deep into the history of my childhood, my days as an anorexic, my life as an actor and my erotic awakening and life as a writer.
You do not want to miss this.
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bring-your-own-lunch/id900048382
Web: http://bringyourownlunch.com/podcasts/item/38-byol-episode-33-candice-holdorf
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Who is Candice Holdorf? (VIDEO)
So...this happened yesterday. What began as a quick audition morphed into a playful video that we shot in one-take and that inspired me to edit into a autobiographical "sizzle reel" (gotta admit, I kinda hate that term). Anyway, it was fun to create and hope you enjoy it.
PS-Bonus points to my brilliant husband who told me to ditch my lame-ass script and said, "Just tell me 5 things about yourself. GO!"
Monday, January 12, 2015
Lessons from the Erotic Void
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Black Square, Kazimir Malevich, 1915 |
These past few months have been some of the most emotionally intense of my life. I am sitting square in the center of every fear that I didn't dare admit:
-I'm fat (As a recovering anorexic, this is the equivalent of death).
-I'm a mediocre actress.
-I'm an inexperienced writer who isn't good enough for a book deal.
-I have no viable skills and can't even get an entry-level job.
-I'm a terrible lover.
-I'm a mediocre actress.
-I'm an inexperienced writer who isn't good enough for a book deal.
-I have no viable skills and can't even get an entry-level job.
-I'm a terrible lover.
All these voices (which I recognize aren't really me) arise and feel all-consuming in the face of how little external validation I've been receiving.
But the truth is, I've been in a very internal process. Since Burning Man, I have purposely reduced the number of social media posts in order to release myself from the pseudo-erotic hit of human connection I receive whenever someone pushes "Like."
I've intentionally carved out the 6-month quiet space I need, free from professional and personal commitments, to finish the draft of my book (which I did December 1) and to complete my personal edits of it before passing it on to a pro editor (which I intend to do by March 1).
In going over my manuscript, I realize that there is something so genuine, pure and undeniably erotic growing in this moment--a profound intimacy with my own voice. I am not writing this book--it is writing me and it's medicine comes more for my own healing than anything else.
And perhaps, it's time to stop complaining and start listening to its wisdom.
"Most of us are stuck in craving mode because we are socially barred from experiencing the erotic in our everyday life. Our society values the logical comforts of stability over the mythical possibilities that rest in the unknown. We’ve linked our value as humans to this “logical stability” and to other quantifiable means of success—so it’s no wonder that we rush in fear and craving towards anything that will temporarily fill and silence that painful void.
Our modern commercial industry and business culture know our insecurities and continuously reinforce these addictive habits—it’s what keeps them profitable, after all. They pose a problem in your life, show you the emotional struggle and then offer the one and only solution (often adorned with scantily clad women, once again fusing and confusing the world of eros and sex) that will take care of everything for a low, low price. But the truth is eros demands we pay the highest price—letting go of all the pride and vanity that stand in the way of unconditional love. And the kicker is that no one else can give it to us no matter how much currency we offer. It is only found by sitting in the discomfort of our own erotic void.
Eros thrives in those moments of "wanting" and it is through the dynamic tension created between “wanting” and “having” that orgasmic energy can build and power us. Yet we spend our lives lamenting how we aren't "having" and miss this key opportunity to tap into the erotic fulfillment that flourishes within the gaps of our lives."
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